5 New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

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So it’s that time of the year again when everyone vows that THIS will be his/her best year yet. Everyone wants to become the best version of themselves. I hope that putting this in writing will hold me accountable to my own goals. So here’s to putting my best foot forward mentally, physically, socially and professionally in this new year.

Here are my 5 New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Get Organized – Both virtually with my inbox and in my home. I want to organize everything from my closet to my email inbox. I am very disorganized and I’m learning how helpful organization can be. I have about 1000 unread emails in my inbox and many of them are shopping emails that I should’ve unsubscribed to years ago…oops.
  2. Get Deepika Padukone’s Abs & Eat Healthier – Who wouldn’t want to look like this:
    • My Plan: I’m half-way there because our names rhyme. I bought an elliptical that I plan to work out on at least 3-4 days/week. I’ll start doing some bodyweight exercises. I also will continue trying to keep healthy food stocked at home.
  3. Tune My Phone Out – So many of us see our phones light up or ping and immediately grab it to check a message. 0076fa5ccac4c8824c0d0e11fd5cea6b-college-campus-kan
    • My Plan: I hope to tune it out using sheer willpower.
  4. Experience More – I’ve moved to a new state and have yet to properly explore it. I basically live in a vacation spot now.
    • My Plan: I’m hoping my blog will become a resource for those vacationing in Vermont. I’ve picked up some travel brochures so I can experience everything first-hand and then write about it. This will be extremely challenging since the husband works tons so much of the exploring might have to be done solo.
  5. Study – As a pharmacist, I should keep up with the latest information but often I get so caught up in life. I’d like to do 2 hours of Continuing Education (CE) and read 1 article/case study a week.
    • My Plan: I already have a membership to www.freeCE.com and utilize it to fulfill all my Live CE requirements. It’s so much more convenient than attending a CE symposium. I also just signed up to receive the Pharmacy Times a monthly publication at home so I can keep myself updated on the latest pharmacy developments and issues.

Throughout the year I will provide updates on my “progress.” Happy New Year everyone. Leave a comment with your New Year’s resolutions!

*Bonus Resolution* I should probably get a job.

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